
Today, Alexela opened at its largest petrol station on the Tallinn-Tartu highway, by the Paia intersection, with two commercial fast charging points for electric vehicles. One of them is Estonia’s first ultra-fast electric car charger with a capacity of 160 kW, while the other has a capacity of 50 kW.

Tallinna Peterburi tee 77 Alexelas asuv elektriautode kiirlaadija

Alexela is the first petrol station chain to install an electric car quick charger at its station located at Peterburi tee 77 in Tallinn. It is also the first quick charging point for cars, in the capital city that uses a European plug.

  • Alexela will allow from the 15th of November until the 22nd of November (incl) to fill up with power free of charge, to celebrate the opening of the quick

As of 4th June, Aivo Adamson is the new board member of AS Alexela taking over the managing role, performed until now by Maria Helbling. Aivo Adamson was until today the chairman of the council of Alexela Group. The change of position became necessary as a result of Maria Helbling’s decision to emigrate to the United States with her family. 

Aivo Adamson has been on the council of Alexela Group

As of May 27th, 2019, merger of Alexela group companies Alexela Energia AS (Reg. No. 10015238) and AS Alexela Oil (Reg.No. 10034715) has entered into force and therefore, a new company – AS Alexela – was formed. As a result, the company has changed its business name, which makes it easier and clearer for co-operation partners and customers to operate and communicate with Alexela. The merger will

As of last Friday, Alexela started offering refuelling possibilities in Sweden. Along with the previously added partner filling stations in Latvia, Lithuania and Poland, besides those in Estonia, our customers can now refuel their vehicles at 3214 filling stations.

“The need to expand our services to Sweden, is related to the increase of fuel excise in Estonia. Local freight carriers that operate