Alexela Haagis
Download the Alexela Haagis app from Google Play or the App Store.
Create a user account in the Alexela Haagis app and enter your payment card details.
Add your Minu Alexela customer card number to earn Alexela money with every rental.
- Choose a suitable rental point and trailer from the map. Unlock the Bluetooth lock with the app and start your rental.

How to smartly rent a trailer?
Why choose a trailer from Alexela?
- Always open - you can rent a smart trailer and return it 24/7.
- Convenient - you can plan your trip in advance if you wish. For example, you can choose a trailer in a suitable location from home and reserve it.
- The first 15 minutes are free when booking/starting the rental.
- There is a starting fee for the rental and an affordable hourly rate.
- If needed, you can return the trailer to a different rental point (Note: Limited option. Check locations and trailers in the app).
- You can add your My Alexela customer card to the Trailer app and earn Alexela money with each rental.
Smart trailer rental point
Rent an Alexela smart trailer conveniently and contactlessly 24/7 – download the app and start your journey!