Alexela’s future technologies

To promote sustainable mobility, we are creating a comprehensive electric car charging system as well as hydrogen and biomethane filling stations. We contribute to the transition to 100% renewable energy by building solar parks and wind farms, developing a renewable pumped-storage hydropower unit, a biomethane power plant for peak loads and, in addition, a virtual power plant

We are based on the concept of a complete energy chain and provide energy as a service. Our long-term experience in the field of energy and a wide product portfolio allow us to be reliable and flexible energy partners. 



Alexela's wide product range is constantly expanding with innovative energy carriers. We will open our first hydrogen filling station in 2024. As a member of Hydrogen Valley Estonia, we see that this field has great development potential in the view of large-scale renewable energy production. Hydrogen has an important role to play as a transportation fuel, as a storage option for electrical energy, and as an enabler of wireless energy.  

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We are developing an electric charging network - from public spaces to associations and private houses. 

We are taking e-mobility to a new level.  We are installing fast and ultra-fast electric car chargers in service stations and important centres located along the main highways. In addition, we provide electric charging as a full service for private and business customers. We are increasingly focusing on the installation of private electric chargers.

Key indicators:

  • Year 2022: 77 public charging points
  • Year 2023: 200 public charging points 
  • Year 2030 target: 800 public charging points

Smart Electricity virtual power plant


The service is a virtual power plant that helps small producers intelligently manage electricity consumption, production, and storage, allowing them to save on energy costs and benefit from market prices. Smart Electricity controls the production solution taking into account the client's consumption, production forecast, and market price, with the goal of buying electricity at cheaper times and selling it at more expensive times.  

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Wind and solar energy

Alexela builds solar and wind farms to contribute to the development of a power system based on renewable energy. 



In addition to many smaller units, we have built Estonia's largest industrial facility rooftop solar park for Saku Brewery:

  • Built at Alexela's expense
  • Reduction of CO2 and electricity costs for the customer 
  • Capacity 1.4 MW 
  • Annual output 1.1 GWh (covers one third of the plant's needs)
  • Roof area 16,200 m2, panels 3,500 pcs 

Among other large projects, North Kiviõli Hybrid Park with storage and hydrogen production is under development: 

  • Wind farm capacity: 80 MW
  • Solar park capacity: 100 MW
  • Output: 277,000 MW

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We are developing a renewable pumped-storage hydropower system based on Zero Terrain technology in Paldiski. 

We are developing a large-scale renewable energy storage, because renewable energy has no future without large-scale storage. The Zero Terrain technology we use is also the most environmentally friendly option among possible alternatives. 

Key indicators: 

  • Capacity: 500 MW
  • During a 12-hour nominal operating cycle, Energiasalv supplies 6 million kWh of previously stored electrical energy to the grid, being somewhat more than the average daily electricity consumption of all Estonian households.
  • Prevents approximately 16 million tons of CO2 emissions in 2029-2050, contributing to the achievement of climate neutrality for the Estonian economy;
  • Very low lifecycle CO2 emissions (12kg CO2/MWh as storage function)
  • The introduction of a new local natural resource (building blocks from the crystalline base layer) reduces the pressure on land and environmental use, including the reduction of CO2 emissions related to the use of construction materials;
  • Brings €750 million in investments to Estonia;
  • 450 direct jobs;
  • 2022 status - building permits granted
  • 2023 target - additional investors and builder to be found 
  • 2024 - start of construction 
  • 2030 target - Paldiski Energiasalv is ready and starts operating

More info:

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Paldiski energiasalve illustratsioon

Biogas plant for peak loads


We are developing a power plant for peak loads powered by biomethane to compensate for the uncontrollability of renewable energy production and to build a climate-neutral, controllable power generation unit that would replace oil shale power plants after closing. The peak load plant under development is also ready to run on hydrogen

The plant has a carbon capture device, the collected carbon can be used to produce e-fuels. Alexela contributes significantly to the creation of a carbon-neutral economy both in Estonia and in the Baltic Sea region in general with this development. 

Capacity: 200 MW

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We are working to replace all current fossil natural gas with environmentally friendly biomethane. Biomethane is a climate-positive fuel produced locally in Estonia, mainly from agricultural waste - one bus running on biomethane makes another diesel bus carbon neutral in addition to itself. 
Our circular economy based production units are located in Ilmatsalu, Vinni and Oisu.

Key indicators: 

2022 output - 94.5 GWh
2023 target - 97 GWh
2030 target - 450 GWh
Number of filling stations: 10

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Kristjan Suurorg 2023

Kristjan Suurorg

e-mobiilsuse projekti- ja müügijuht

Green fuels

Wind and solar energy

Biogas plant for peak loads

Peter Van Buuren

Virtual power plant

Zero Terrain / Paldiski Energiasalv