Using LPG car gas will help you save up to 45% on fuel costs. LPG is an affordable liquid gas, which is environmentally more sustainable car fuel than diesel or petrol. See where you can find Alexela LPG car gas stations here...


You would save up to 45% of fuel on the kilometres driven compared to petrol. This means that you will drive using LPG almost twice as much!

LPG contains higher octane rating, which improves engine performance, reduces wear and thus reduces maintenance costs.

Car gas emits up to 50% less carbon monoxide, 40% less hydrocarbons and 35% less nitrogen oxides compared to engines running on petrol. All this means that we will have much cleaner air to breath!

LPG tank is safer than those of petrol or diesel fuel. Gas tanks can withstand stronger impact and in case of leakage its safety valves close automatically.

Car that drives on gas produces almost 40% less greenhouse gas emissions, thus you can contribute into saving the planet from climate warming.

You can install an LPG device to the whole car park of the company, which may consist of trucks, busses, operational vehicles, agricultural machinery, vans or cars. The bigger the car park, the more you save on fuel costs.

All modern car producers offer vehicles and engines designed to run on gas. Every year, the number of car gas consumers worldwide rises by 15%. In Europe, this number is 40%.

Kui vanasti võisid gaasiga sõitvad autod haiseda gaasi järele, siis kaasaegsed gaasiautod on täiesti lõhnavabad. Kui tänapäevase gaasiseadmega sõites peaksid gaasi haisu tundma, siis vii auto kohe lähimasse hooldusesse.

Gaasiga sõites väheneb Sinu auto võimsus maksimaalselt 2 %. Tänaval sõites ei pane sa seda tähelegi. Ja muuseas - on tegelasi, kes sõidavad gaasi jõul töötava mootoriga ka rallit.

Vaatamata sellele, et autole on paigaldatud gaasiseade, toimub käivitamine alati bensiiniga ning mootori soojenedes lülitub auto ümber gaasile. Juhul, kui gaasipaak peaks tühjaks saama, lülitub auto tagasi bensiinile.

Alexela tanklate võrgus on üle 20 gaasitankla üle Eesti. Nende asukohti näed siin.

Gaasipaagi täitmine käib rõhu all ja see on ka ainus erinevus võrreldes bensiiniga tankimisega. Püstoli ühendamine tankimisavaga on imelihtne ning selleks pole vaja jõudu rakendada.

Ask for an offer
It doesn't matter if you want to know more about installing car gas device or if you want to rebuild your car immediately, please contact us!

Installation of gas devices


Autoekspert workshops


Amservi representations

Gaznet OÜ

Mustamäe tee 44a, Tallinn / +372 5662 4955 /

Lev Autogaas OÜ

Laki 16, Tallinn 10621 / +372 5817 4362 /

Gaasiabi OÜ

Kadaka tee 2 Tallinn Harjumaa 10621 / +372 5692 2289 /

BCS Autoteenindus OÜ

Türi tn. 6. Tallinn / +372 684 4800 /

Loo Autokeskus OÜ

Kaevu 2a. Pildiküla, Rae vald, Harjumaa / +372 600 0140 /

Linnuse Autokeskus OÜ

Linnuse 7 Rakvere / +372 324 0044

Saare Autogaas OÜ

Kaare 4, Kuressaare

Ask for addtional information:

Jürgo Anni
Jürgo Anni

Sales Manager of Gas Fuels

+372 511 5780