The project supports a wider promotion of biodiversity and an approach that favours natural diversity in society in general.
Cooperation projects
Alexela supports culture, education, sports, charity and community initiatives.
Alexela and TalTech
In 2018, Alexela received a grant from Archimedes Foundation for applied research in smart specialisation growth area with an intention to carry out, in cooperation with TalTech, a research on electricity consumption of its customers. Alexela sells electricity to private and business customers since 2014 and over the years the company has grown into one of the largest electricity sellers in Estonia – Alexela customers consume over 0,5 TWh electricity per year.
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Environmentally friendly fuels and Environmental Investment Centre
Alexela has contributed to the development of an environmentally friendly car fleet in Estonia for many years, offering environmentally friendly LPG car gas.
Now we have also started contributing to the creation of a CNG network (as well as biomethane in the future), in order to make the Estonian transport sector even more environmentally friendly and economical.
Professional associations
Alexela is a member of the following professional associations:
- Eesti Kaubandus-Tööstuskoda
- Eesti Maksumaksjate Liit
- Eesti Transpordikütuste Ühing MTÜ
- Eesti Tööandjate Keskliit
- Eesti Vesinikutehnoloogiate Ühing MTÜ
- GS1 Estonia MTÜ
- Nordic Legal Entity Identifier AB