Alexela as a green innovator
We are pioneers of green energy, producing biomethane, a climate-negative fuel based on the principle of circular economy, developing gas terminals and building Energiasalv in Paldiski. The pumped-storage hydropower facility called Energiasalv is essentially a giant battery that solves the challenge of large-scale storage of renewable energy and paves the way for the triumph of clean energy, thus ensuring additional energy security for Estonia.
We are developing a sustainable network of service stations through vigorous creation of biomethane, LNG, electricity and, in the near future, hydrogen filling up facilities. Together with our customers, we have made it a matter of our hearts to reduce the carbon footprint resulting from transport through our Community Program by planting carbon sequestering trees in Estonian forests.
Alexela is an energy department store that provides a unique selection of fuels, electricity, natural gas and cylinder gas, as well as makes the world a better place for customers with high-quality coffee and a refreshing break every time they visit our convenience stores.
We understand that we are a large company that plays an important role both in the Estonian economy and in the lives of the people living here. That is why we support Estonia by promoting culture, sports and charity.
We are making the world a better place. Let's do it together!
Read more about the green technologies at Alexela by clicking here:
Strategy and direction
Alexela follows the changes in mobility and customer needs. We produced 85 GWh of biomethane, a climate-negative car fuel, based on the circular economy principle in 2021. In the coming years, we foresee its wider use and the need to multiply the output, as biomethane as car fuel helps reduce the carbon footprint of the transport sector.
- We reward reuse - hot drinks with your own cup are cheaper at Alexela.
- We have created reusable coffee cups with the works of Estonian artists to show that reuse can be truly pleasant. There is sustainability in innovation, so we have created a series of smart digital solutions such as the Alexela app, loyalty campaigns and smart payment solutions in the app.
- We have created Rohesärts, an electricity package based on renewable energy that brings green energy to our customers.
How do we help customers reduce their footprint?
By the end of 2022, we had planted 714,415 trees as part of the Community Program, which will neutralize 430,006 tons of CO2 during their lifetime.
During 2022, we expanded our biomethane refuelling options and sold 65 GWh of biomethane, a climate-negative car fuel, thus reducing the carbon footprint of the transport sector.
We further developed the production of biomethane from agricultural waste based on the principle of circular economy. Biomethane is a climate-negative fuel: one car running on green gas makes another diesel car carbon neutral in addition to itself.
We expanded our public network of electric chargers and started providing a full electric charger service to private and business customers in order to accelerate the transition to less polluting mobility.
We started selling our customers the green electricity package "Rohesärts".
Topics in focus
Alexela is an Estonian company that was born together with newly independent Estonia. We operate on the principle of sustainability, which has led us to be among the best in Estonia in our fields of activity. Alexela will become carbon neutral by 2030 at the latest by developing the circular economy, contributing to energy security and initiating projects that actually reduce our carbon footprint.
We are making the world a better place. Let's do it together!
Goal: CO2 neutral by 2030
Development of environmentally friendly refuelling solutions
Alexela's goal is to be carbon-neutral by 2030 at the latest. To achieve our climate goals, we have focused on developing environmentally friendly refueling solutions.

We empower the circular economy

We empower energy security
Alexela is building a pumped hydroelectric storage plant in Paldiski, which will allow us to solve the future challenge of renewable energy storage and thereby overcome one of the major obstacles to achieving climate neutrality.

We empower communities
Together we can achieve more. In 2020, we launched the Alexela community program, under which we have now planted at least one tree for every inhabitant of Estonia.

We empower culture, sports and charity
Alexela has been awarded the title of Friend of Culture by the Ministry of Culture. We have and continue to empower several cultural and sports organizations.

We are founding members of Rohetiiger (the Green Tiger) and actively participate in various green initiatives, such as creating an energy roadmap and participating in various expert groups.


Taaskasutatavad kohvitopsid
Ühekordsetel plasttoodetel on oluline mõju keskkonnale ja inimeste tervisele. Euroopa plastistrateegia seab esikohale nende vähendamise, sest see aitab vähendada CO2-heidet ja sõltuvust imporditud fossiilkütusest.
Pikaajaliseks eesmärgiks on AS Alexela seadnud hiljemalt 2030. aastaks muutuda süsinikuneutraalseks oma tegevuse raames, arendades ringmajandust, panustades energiajulgeolekusse ja algatades süsinikujälge vähendavaid projekte. Muuhulgas oleme seadnud eesmärgiks loobuda hiljemalt 2030. aastaks ühekordsetest kohvitopsidest.
Ettevõttel on turule lastavate ühekordsete pakendite ja kilekottide vähendamiseks strateegia, mis sisaldab konkreetseid mõõdetavaid eesmärke:
- Alexelas on müügil ainult paberkotid ja Alexela kasutatud reklaambänneritest õmmeldud korduskasutatavad kotid.
- Julgustame oma topsi kasutamist vastavate üleskutsete, kampaaniate ja soodsama hinna abil.
- Valitud asukohtades pakume ringtopsi võimalust kuumade jookide ostul.
-Loome järk-järgult kordustopsi pesemise võimalust mugavalt kohvimasinate juures.
Alexela reklaamide visuaalidel ei kasutata enam ühekordseid nõusid ja kampaaniad on suunatud korduvkasutatavatele nõudele. Ettevõte teeb koostööd paljude organisatsioonidega, sh Pandipakend. Lisaks on veel aastal 2023 plaanis välja töötada koostööpartnerite ja oma töötajate käitumiskoodeks ning süsnikujälje mõõtmise osas on plaanis mõjuala 3 laiendus, mis aitab kaasata olulisi osapooli meie keskkonnaeesmärkide saavutamiseks.