Refuel in Estonia and abroad
- Alexela Payment Card is valid in Alexela´s filling stations across Estonia, it can also be used at the filling stations of our cooperation partners in Latvia and Lithuania. The Payment Card can also be used as a means of payment at our cooperation partners.
- Alexela Pyment Card corresponds to the security requirements for an international magnetic card, it is provided with a PIN code, which is known only to the cardholder.

Unlimited number of cards
- An unlimited number of cards can be gathered under one customer account. The discount of the Payment Card depends on the method of billing and the turnover per litre. In case of a prepayment, the customer makes an advance payment to the bank account of AS Alexela upon conclusion of the agreement. The amount of the prepayment is freely selectable according to the actual consumption of the customer.

Pay reasonably
- At the end of the month, Alexela will issue an invoice/balance statement for using the Payment Card during the previous month. In case of payment by invoice, we will issue an invoice with the previously agreed frequency and payment term. Read more about the terms and conditions of Alexela Payment Card agreement.

Payment Card discounts
Holders of Alexela Payment Card receive following discounts:
How to apply?
- In order to apply for Alexela Payment Card, you have to fill in the form on the basis of which we will make you an offer. If the agreement is concluded, it must be signed by a member of the management board of the company.

Payment Card Application

Marek Miller
Energy Solutions Sales Manager

Olavi Maaring
Sales manager for energy solutions including automotive fuel procurement

Ivo Koka
Energy Solutions Sales Manager

Jürgo Anni
Sales manager for energy solutions including gaseous automotive fuels